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Ormus Minerals Life Force Energy Ormus Minerals

Ormus Minerals Life Force Energy ORMUS MINERALS


Get the Mixture of Ormus and Life Force Energy Combined for Super Energy
Digestive Aid   Fulvic Acid Benefits 

Ormus Minerals Life Force Energy Ormus Minerals - Digestive Aid

Fulvic Acid'sprimary role is as a digestive aid in your system. There is a correlation between thefulvic acidcontent in your foods and the quality of soil the foods are grown in. Many mass-produced fruits and vegetables contain less fulvic acid because of the mineral depletion of the soils they are grown in.Fulvic acidcan be purchased as a supplement from nutrition and supplement stores and can be taken daily as a nutritional aid.  

 Energy  Nutrient Assimilation 

Ormus Minerals Life Force Energy Ormus Minerals - Physical Energy

Fulvic Acidis an excellent transporter of energy-rich nutrients, and the electrolytes found in fulvic acid increases your body's ability to absorb these nutrients through your digestive system.Fulvic acidhelps your digestive system process vitamins, minerals, proteins and herbs.Fulvic acidsupplements are most effective when taken with or before meals. 
Cells   Cell Life Balance

Ormus Minerals Life Force Energy Ormus Minerals - helps Cells

The powerful organic electrolyte properties ofFulvicAcidhelp to balance the lifespan of cells, sometimes even prolonging their lifespan. According to,fulvic acidcan actually revitalize dead or dying cells--at least temporarily--and extend their use.Fulvic acidcan help process heavy metals found in cells so that they move through the system with greater efficiency and improve cell health. 

 Nutrients Mineral Absorption 

Ormus Minerals Life Force Energy Ormus Minerals - Minerals

Fulvic Acidplays an integral role in your body's ability to properly absorb nutrients at the cellular level. It works by entering into your cells and serving as a discriminant toward minerals, helping choose what minerals to keep out of the cell and what minerals to bring in through the membrane--and at what quantities--in order for the cell to function properly with well-balanced nutrients. This improves the overall health of the cell and the functioning of the cell, since it has greater access to the organic materials needed to perform its necessary functions.

Electrolytes Improved Overall Function

Ormus Minerals Life Force Energy Ormus Minerals - Electrolytes

BecauseFulvic Acidprovides electrolytes that enhance the electric potential of cells, this can also benefit mineral deficiencies that may be rooted at the cellular level. For example, deficiencies of iron, calcium and magnesium can be more difficult for your cells to absorb without adequate levels offulvicacidpresent in the body. An individual's overall electric potential can be negatively impacted by the loss of fluids, emotional stress, sleep deprivation or poor diet. Improving the electric balance in your cells can help defend your body against sickness, weakness and other problems associated with low energy levels 

Benefits  Ormus Benefits 
 Mental Ormus Minerals - Mental Benefits

Ormus Minerals Life Force Energy Ormus Minerals - Brain function

  • Clearer Thinking
  • Developed Intuition
  • Emotional Healing
  • Greater Clarity and Focus
  • Heightened Senses
  • Sense of Calm
  • Thought Manifestation
Benefits  Ormus Minerals - Physical Benefits
Ormus Minerals Life Force Energy Ormus Minerals - Body Functions 
  • Aids Intestinal Tract Absorption of Food Particles
  • Body Cells' Hydroelectric Energy
  • Body Cells' Greneration of Hydration and Nourishment
  • Body Communication
  • Body Cells' Rejuvenation
  • Improves Vision
  • Increases Electrolytes
  • Increases Energy
  • Prevents Muscle Cramps
  • Promotes Bone Strength
  • Promotes Healthy Blood Sugar
  • Promotes Healthy Cellular PH Balance
  • Promotes Healthy DNA & RNA
  • Promotes Healthy Immune System Function

Ormus Minerals
 Life Force ENERGY 
Ormus Minerals


Ormus Minerals from Dead Sea Salt and Pacific Ocean Water & Life Force Minerals

Ormus Minerals - LIFE FORCE ENERGY Ormus Minerals





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Regardless of how our products may be used in other countries, or anything that you may have heard or read about Ormus Minerals or Ormus products, under FDA law in the United States it is illegal for a manufacturer to make any medical claims for health supplements. None of the products offered for sale on our website or direct to retail consumers are intended to be used in the treatment or mitigation of any disease state. All statements made by Ormus Minerals or on the Ormus website are intended for informational purposes only. The statements made here have not been evaluated by the FDA, and our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Health decisions are much too important to be made without the advice of a health care practitioner. As with any dietary or herbal supplement, you should advise your health care practitioner of the use of this product. If you are nursing, pregnant, or considering pregnancy, you should consult your health care practitioner prior to using any health supplement product.